Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Deadly Force Scenario: Other options

this is a joke you idiots

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Taking a knife to a gun fight

Ok. Forget the 21 foot rule. If I am in conversation distance with you, the knife is going to be superior.

I can grab your gun, can you grab my knife? I can walk around with the knife in my hand behind my back, can you do that with your gun?


Gun control

The reaction to some of my gun videos are, "you shouldn't be able to own a gun"

Hmmm. interesting. You give lip service to the 2nd Ammendment, which is supposed to be a right you hold dear and yet you see a youtube video and your first instinct is to try and enact gun control. You are a stupid liberal jackass who doesn't know who you are. Join the Brady Bunch you snobbish, only me or my bodyguards shouldn't have guns.